Asian Markets. Global Quality
AURNI is one of the few Asia-based market researchers with a quality management system that is certified to the ISO 20252 global quality management standard.
AURNI provides recruitment, data collection, and analysis across NE Asia markets:
Japan _ South Korea _ China (Hong Kong) & Taiwan
AURNI is managed at a senior level by professional researchers with certified quality management expertise ensuring reliable quality throughout the project.
AURNI (Audited Research Network International) supports marketers and marketing researchers who need to understand customers and markets in Japan, China, South Korea, and Taiwan.
AURNI's quality management system is certified to the ISO 20252 global quality standard for marketing research management. We implement and document replicable processes for all research stages: training, sampling, data collection, data processing and analysis. In addition, we strictly manage all personal information, research data, and business information according to international statutes and industry guidelines.